Autoban allows a moderator to temporarily choose a phrase that will timeout anyone who said it in the past 60 seconds.
Optionally, continues to timeout anyone who says it in the next 60 seconds.
A bantime of 0 seconds will result in a permaban.
Command: !autoban <seconds> <banphrase can have multiple words>
Searches the chat history to find any matches to the banphrase.
Then, alerts the mod how many matches were found and asks for confirmation.
The mod can answer yes
or no
Command: !autoban+ <seconds> <banphrase can have multiple words>
Searches the chat history to find any matches to the banphrase.
Asks for confirmation like above.
Then, it continues to Autoban the phrase for an additional 60 seconds after confirmation.
Command: !!autoban <seconds> <banphrase can have multiple words>
Command: !!autoban+ <seconds> <banphrase can have multiple words>
Continues to Autoban the phrase for an additional 60 seconds.