

The MergeChats feature lets you bridge one or more channels so that messages can be seen in both chats.
Certain types of messages are ignored or changed:

  • Messages starting with ! are ignored.
  • Messages from users with “bot” in their username are ignored.
  • Emotes will be matched to a similar emote in other channels, or will be deleted if no match is found. (catJAM -> ratJAM)


There are no user commands.
There are no moderator commands.

Merging the channel with another

Command: !mergechats <other_channel>
Where <other_channel> is the username of the other channel you wish to merge with.
You must be a moderator in the channel you are merging with.

Merging the channel with multiple others

Command: !mergechats <channel1> <channel2> etc.
You must be a moderator in the channel you are merging with.

Unmerge the channel from all others

Command: !unmergechats
This will remove the bridge between all other merged channels.
Only necessary to run on one of the merged channels.

Banned users can use this to chat in merged channels.
Users can use this to bypass word filters or bans, so it is not recommended to use this in channels with many banned users or under harassment.
A rate limit is in effect.
It is strongly advised to not use this on highly active channels that may overload Robonito’s ability to send messages as restricted by Twitch.