EnglishOnly detects and automatically asks chatters in their language to keep chat in English.
It can also take action on non-english chat messages, to make moderation faster and easier.
Command: !englishonly list
Command: !englishonly allow <language>
must be a language off of the unallowed language list.
Command: !englishonly unallow <language>
must be a language off of the allowed language list.
Command: !englishonly timeouts <on/off>
See the Timeouts section below for what this does.
When enabled, EnglishOnly will automatically make moderation actions.
The timeout system punishes repeat offenders, while being understanding to accidental slip-ups.
A simple warning is sent to the user.
This offense expires after 30 minutes.
A warning is sent, and the user is timed out for 5 seconds.
This offense expires after 10 minutes.
A warning is sent, and the user is timed out for 10 minutes.
This offense expires after 10 minutes.
A warning is sent, and the user is timed out for 24 hours.
This offense expires after 10 minutes.
Rude or offensive non-English messages count as two offenses and thus are purged immediately. A second swear will result in a tempban.
EnglishOnly uses a curated dictionary of common swears and slurs in their respective languages.
This can lead to otherwise innocuous typos being flagged as swear words. For example, the word “cu” is offensive in Portuguese and would be flagged as a slur.
This filter can be abused.
Chat members may choose to use these filters as a way to time themselves out, and should be strongly discouraged from doing so.