

AdManager is a premium Robonito module that replaces timers with a dynamic system that chooses when to play commercials for your channel based on an hourly quota.
What separates it from existing bot solutions is that it adjusts to any manually run commercials, and keeps them in mind when keeping to the quota.

Automatic Triggers


Automatic triggers for supported games allow for full-automatic running of commercials at the perfect time.
For games with many available breaks: the AdManager has a minimum length commercial that it will run, and will skip the trigger otherwise. The list of supported games and details can be found here.


Manual triggers are when an editor tells the bot to run an ad.
The editor may specify a duration, or AdManager will automatically select the shortest length that puts the channel over its hourly quota.
This allows editors to stop worrying about counting the adtime run, and instead focus on picking good breaks in the action.


Editors can run commercials, check status, and change all AdManager settings.
Note that these Editors are defined in AdManager, and are unrelated to your channel’s Editors.

Checking the status

Command: !adman status
Example reply: @editor, there is 38min until the next auto-ad. Total so far: 1410s
This is the AdManager’s timer until it will next need to run a commercial to meet the quota, and is the total amount of commercials run so far for manual verification.

Running a commercial with a set time

Command: !adman run <seconds>
This will request a commercial from the AdManager for the length in seconds you specify.

It may choose not to run a commercial if:

  • The previous commercial was run within the past 10 minutes.

Running a commercial with an automatic time

Command: !adman run
This will request a commercial from the AdManager with an automatic length.

It may choose not to run a commercial if:

  • The previous commercial was run within the past 10 minutes.
  • Your channel is already over an hour ahead of its hourly quota.

Requesting a commercial of a minimum length

Command: !adman run <seconds>+
This will request a commercial from the AdManager for at least the length in seconds you specify.
It will use the same automatic time logic as the command above but with an added minimum.
If the commercial it decides to run is shorter than the time you specified, it will not run anything.
This is the recommended command for editors who want to meet the quota manually and not worry about running short commercials too often.

It may choose not to run a commercial if:

  • The previous commercial was run within the past 10 minutes.
  • The commercial it decides to run is shorter than the time you specified.

Manually changing the amount of adtime run this stream

Command: !adman add <seconds>
This advanced command manually changes AdManager’s count of how many commercials have been run during this stream.
Use when you want to run more or fewer commercials, or when you want to correct AdManager’s count.
Note that seconds can be positive (ex: 180, 50) to delay the next commercial, or negative (ex: -180, -50) to play more commercials.

Toggling the AdManager

Command: !adman on/off
Default: on
When disabled, AdManager keeps operating normally except any commercials it wants to run will be ignored.
Use this when you do not want automatic commercials for a certain period of time.
Once re-enabled, it will take up to 5 seconds to run an automatic commercial if needed.

Setting the hourly quota

Command: !adman set hourly <seconds>
Default: 180 Seconds
AdManager will run this many seconds of commercials per hour.
Meant to be set once per channel and not changed often. Changing this setting when the stream is online will confuse the statistics but will otherwise operate normally.

Setting the grace period

Command: !adman set grace <hours>
Default: 0.5 Hours
This advanced setting changes the grace period at the beginning of the stream before an automatic commercial is played.
Note that this setting is in hours. For example: 45 minutes can be set as 0.75 hours.
More info on the grace period is found in the Broadcaster FAQ.

Setting the grace period drain

Command: !adman set grace_dura <hours>
Default: 2 Hours
This advanced setting changes how long the grace period takes to drain to zero.
Note that this setting is in hours. For example: 2 hours, 30 minutes can be set as 2.5 hours.
More info on the grace period is found in the Broadcaster FAQ.

Manually adjusting the carryover feature

Command: !adman set carryover
When used while a channel is offline, it will show how many adhours are being carried over to the start of the next stream.

To reset it back to zero so the next stream has a fresh start:
Command: !adman set carryover 0

To disable the carryover feature:
Command: !adman set carryover -1

The Broadcaster can use all Editor commands, as well as manage Editors.

Adding an Editor

Command: !adman editor add <username>
This allows a user to use all Editor commands.

Removing an Editor

Command: !adman editor remove <username>
This removes an Editor’s permissions.

Listing all Editors

Command: !adman editor list
Simply lists all editors.