Deputy Guide


This guide is a quick introduction to the abilities and responsibilities given by the deputy role.

Commands you can use

Purge a user

Command: !purge <user>
Times out a user for 1s, deleting all their messages.

Timeout a user for 10 minutes

Command: !timeout <user>
Times out a user for 10 minutes.

Timeout a user for less than 10 minutes

Command: !timeout <user> <seconds>
Times out a user for the specified time.
seconds can only go up to 600, and will be capped.

Deputies cannot time out deputies other than themselves.

Undeputize yourself

Command: !undeputize <your name>
Allows you to retire, make sure you mean it.

Behavior Guidelines

Expect each channel to have its own guidelines, but general guidelines are as follows:

  • Be a pillar of the community.
  • Don’t start arguments.
  • Use your gun only when completely justified.
    • No joke timeouts. (Except maybe on yourself.)
    • Try to avoid using it on regulars.
    • Arguments are best solved without shooting people.

Adding Deputy buttons to chat with FFZ

If you have the FrankerFaceZ extension for your browser, you can add deputy actions as quick-buttons in chat.

These buttons will show up in every chat, unless you set up and use a Deputy profile first.
  1. Go to FFZ settings –> Data Management –> Profiles –> + New Profile
  2. Name the profile Deputy or something similar.
  3. Add a new rule: Or
  4. Inside the Or rule, for every channel you are a deputy in:
    Add a new Current Channel rule, and set it to the channel you are deputy in.
  5. When you are done, save the profile.
In the top-left of FFZ settings, switch to this profile BEFORE adding the following buttons.

  1. Go to FFZ settings –> Chat –> Actions –> In-Line
  2. Click + New and select Import JSON.
  3. Then paste the JSON for whichever action you are adding.

Quick Purge

Copy and import the following JSON:
{"action":"chat","appearance":{"type":"icon","text":"C","icon":"ffz-i-trash","tooltip":"Purge"},"options":{"command":"!purge {{user.login}}"},"display":{"mod":false,"hover":false,"keys":0}}

Quick Timeout

Copy and import the following JSON:
{"action":"chat","appearance":{"type":"icon","text":"C","icon":"ffz-i-clock","tooltip":"Timeout"},"options":{"command":"!timeout {{user.login}}"},"display":{"mod":false,"hover":false,"keys":0}}